

     Mayhem'in 30 yıl sonra Dead ve Euronymous'un dahil olduğu kadrosuyla konser verdiği Leipzig'te yeniden sahne alacağını duyduğumda çok heyecanlanmıştım. Mayhem bu kadroyla doğduğum şehir İzmir de dahil bir çok şehirde konser verdi; ama Leipzig performansını bir çok fan için özel yapan sanırım yerli firmalar tarafından da basılan, ezberlenmiş playlisti ile "Live ın Leipzig" albümüdür. Memleketin bir çok Black Metal fanı bu albümü uzun süre dinledi ve hala Mayhem'in en sevilen kayıtlarından biri 30 yıl sonra yeniden Leipzig konseri duyurusunu duyduğumda ister istemez kasetten dinlediğim playlist geldi aklıma. Eski şarkıları çalacakları muhakkaktı elbette; ama yinede bundan önceki konserlerde ne çaldıkları araştırmasını yapmadım, eskiden olduğu gibi bu merakının getirdiği heyecanı yaşamak istedim..                      Corona sorunu yüzünden konser iki senedir ertelenmiş olması grubun hayranlarında "Bu konser yapılacak mı?" endişesini iyice derinleş

Sacrilegion (USA) - From Which Nightmares Crawl - Review

Sacrilegion From Which Nightmares Crawl December 9th, 2022 -  Chaos Records Death Metal                           (ENG)       I cursed myself quite a bit when I realized that I hadn't written a Death Metal band from the USA for a long time. It is necessary to keep the radar active on new products coming out of a country where the best examples of this genre are produced. This time, rather than the suggestions in the mail box, I went on a discovery myself and found this good album. It's great that something is still being produced somewhere that can excite Metal fans like me!      Sacrilegion is a Death Metal band from the USA-Utah region. The band is active on the Metal scene since 2018, band's first work was the demo "The Pest Dialect" released in 2018. Consisting of four tracks and 16:41 minutes long, this recording was a promising step for the band in the Underground since. The band's first full-length album "From Which Nightmares Crawl" was final

Total Thrash: The Teutonic Story - Documentary Review

 ENG      Total Thrash: The Teutonic Story is a documentary made by Daniel Hofmann. As he stated, it was the result of a long effort from fans for the fans and it was finally presented to those who have been looking forward to watching this documentary for a long time in Essen Lichtburg/Germany, on May 31, 2022. All the seats of the venue, which can host 1250 people, were sold out weeks ago, although I was not there personally, according to the stories, the participants were quite excited and after the gong that announced the start of the documentary and they after that took their places with their beers.      The documentary is 107 minutes long in total and consists of three parts. If I have to make a short introduction, it's a great work that locks people on the screen every moment.      The documentary begins with an introduction that illustrates how Thrash Metal emerged in Germany in the early 1980s. Heroes like Sabina Classen (Holy Moses), Marcel Schirmer-Schmier (Destruction)

DARKTHRONE - Astral Fortress Review

DARKTHRONE - Astral Fortress Black'n Roll/Heavy/Speed Metal October 28th, 2022 Peaceville Records ENG           Darkthrone, one of the most important bands of Norwegian and World Black Metal, released their 20th studio album on October 28. The band wasn't in the Black Metal line when they released "Soulside Journey" in 1991. But they became one of the biggest names in the genre after their second album, "A Blaze in the Northern Sky". So much so that if you thought Norwegian Black Metal, it is the first name that comes to mind. Many bands that were active when the band stepped into the metal scene are not active today, from this point of view, it is of course great that Darkthrone is still producing; but it's also true that the die hard fans of the band have suffered with each product, especially since the album "The Cult Is Alive".           Darkthrone continues to progress along the lines of "Old Star", "Eternal Hails...".

REBEL SOULS - Dawn Of Depravity Review

REBEL SOULS - Dawn Of Depravity Death Metal Blood Fire Death Release: 18 November 2022 ENG           Rebel Souls, whose foundations were laid in Germany in 2000, was active between 2000-2003; A Death Metal band that stopped working after that. Rebel Souls released the single "Descent" in 2016 after thirteen years of silence, with some of the founding members moving to Spain-Malaga in 2013 where the band was resurrected. After a year of hard work, their first full-length album "The Forces of Darkness" was released under the Label At the Gates Records.           Rebel Souls released three demos between 2000-2003. But among these, I can only say that the "Winter 2003" recording is looks like a demo, and it has a duration of more than 14 minutes. For a band like Rebel Souls, that's half the time for a full-length album. The first two demos are actually self-released albums. "Dark Forces" is 31:39 minutes (there are 9 songs) and "Estrangement

Sodom - 40 Years at War - The Greatest Hell of Sodom Review

Sodom - 40 Years at War - The Greatest Hell of Sodom Thrash Metal Steamhammer October 28th, 2022           According to some Teutonic Thrash's undisputed best band, presented some of the first wave Black Metal works, and succeeded in being one of the first bands that come to mind when German Metal is mentioned... Ladies and Gentlemen Sodom is celebrating its 40th anniversary. Think of a Thrash Metal band on the stage for 40 years, Onkel Tom Angelripper and his team have worked continuously during this time, carried the band's career to the top, released 16 Studio albums and today they have the reputation of Metalheads around the World. It is clear that the album, which was prepared to celebrate this well-deserved career, was also worked on very delicately.           Although 40 Years at War - The Greatest Hell of Sodom is like a "Best off" product, actually there are not known classic songs that a Sodom fan would look for in this album. Although there were very good s

Hazy Hill - Live in Ankara Konser Yazısı

          Bu konser ha oldu olacaktı derken oldu, oldu ve üzerinden tam 3 gün geçti... Bana hala hayal gibi geliyor tabi. Hazy'nin sahnelere döneceğini rahmetli Çağlan üstad sayesinde biliyorduk. Grubu ilk önce Laneth'li konserler serisine eklemek, hem de ilkine eklemek için kapısını çalmış ve boynu bükük dönmüştü. Bu haber de ister istemez ortamlara düşmüş ve kendimce bu iş tamam ya demiştim. Bu sefer olmazsa da bir şekilde Çağlan üstad grubun aklına girmiştir ve bir gün tekrar sahnelere döneceklerdir. Hazy'i daha önce izleme fırsatı yakalayamamış bizler için içimizde ki umut hep sıcak kalmıştı.  Eylül 1991 Lanethli Konserler Harbiye Açıkhava Tiyatrosu Konserini büyüklerimden duyuyor ve keşke o zamanlara yetişebilseydim diye hep söyleniyorum :). Derken günler günleri kovaladı Çağlan üstad aramızdan ayrıldı. Pek çok kişi için bu yazacaklarım geçerlidir diye düşünüyorum. Keşke Çağlan Tekil aramızda olsaydı! 15 Ekim günü bir şekilde aramızda olduğunu hayal etmeden duramıyorum